
FeedBack w. Wes Nyle. EP26. Lambchop. 09.10.12

Many credit the early nineties as the dawn of indie music. And at the helm of this movement, even if by accident, was Lambchop. A group fronted by Nashville native Kurt Wagner. One that started distributing self-recorded tapes in nineteen-ninety, and is now titled as one of the most original country bands around.

You won’t find Lambchop touring much, simply because Wagner’s supporting cast is constantly changing, and even now when on the road, Kurt admits live shows are an interpretation of the current album. Albums that always try to carry a concept; a feat that Wagner admits is getting more drawn out as he moves into his late fifties.

Through the years the band has dawned many names, albums, members and even genres. The lineup of each record is impossible for me to comprehend as the list of Kurt’s companions in Nashville continues to expand. And with elements of Soul, Jazz, Lounge, and Country Western, mashed with nonobjective lyrics, even the music snobs settled on defining this eclectic sound as simply Alt-Country.

This year Kurt celebrates the release of his 11th studio album Mr. M an album that was recorded with his longtime friend and famous Nashville producer Mark Nevers, and is highlighted with help from Crotney Tidwell, his partner in crime from his folk duet KORT, that coverd 50’s and 60’s country classics from Chart Records.

The first track If Not I’ll Just Die vaguely references The Carpenters, and was written while Wagner was spending Christmas with his family in his crowded house as he picked up on bits and pieces of conversation and action. This seems fitting to me as the track almost harnesses the feeling of a fifties Christmas classic. But with lyrics that put you in a quite tailspin like only Lambchop can.

This is Kirt Wagner as Lambchop.

Soaky in the Pooper
Gone Tomorrow
If Not I’ll Just Die

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